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326 In High Places, Or, Sheba doth but found a trumpet of fedition, faying, ap`e have no part inDavid, no inheritance in the fon of Jeff and the winde is in .another corner prefently:for it's Paid, Every man of Ifrael pent upfrom after David, and followed Sheba. Thus was Da- vid cried up and down, and that almoft in the fame breath. Unhappyman he, that bath no curer portion then what this vari- able world will afford him. The time of roaerniag for the cle- f', parture ofall earthly enjoyments is at hand, we fhall fee them as Eg/aper fervants did their Lord, fallen down dead before us, and weep becau.fe they are not. What folly then is it to dandle this vaine world in our affeelions, whole joy like the childes laughter on the mothers knee, is Pure to end in a cry at laff, and negleet heaven and heavenly things which endure for e- ver ? 0 remember Dive.7 flirring up his pillow, and compo- finghimfelf to reft, how he was call'd up with the tydings of death, before he was warme in this his bed ofeafe, and laid with forrow on another, which God had made for him in flames, from whence we hear him roaring in the anguifh of his confci- ! ence. 0 foule, couldeff thou get but an intereft in theheavenly 5 things we are (peakingof, thefe would not thus flip from under I thee ; heaven is a Kingdom that cannot be thaken, Chrift an abiding portion, his graces and comforts lure waters that faile -not , but fpring upunto eternal life. The quailes that were food for the lJraelites lull loon ceafed, but the rock that was drink to their faith followed them ; this rock is Chrift : make Pure of him and he will make lure of thee, he'll follow thee to thy fick.bed, and lie in thy bofome, chearing thy heart with his fweet comforts, whenworldly joyes lie cold upon thee, (as Davaa cloathes on him) and no warmth of comfort to be got from them. When thy outward fenics are lock't up, that thou canft neither fee the face of thy dear friends, nor hear the coun- fel and comfort they would give thee, then he will come (though there doorsbe flout) and fay, Peace be to thee my dear childe ; feare not death or devils, I flay to receive thy Taft breath, and have here my Angels waiting, that affoon as thy foule is breathed out of thy body, they may carry and lay it in my bofome of love, where I will nourifh thee with thofe e- ternal joycs that, my blood bath purchafed, and my love prepa- red for thee. Fourthly