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in Heavenly things , 527 Fourthly, earthly things are empty and unfatisfying. We 4. may have_too much, bur, never enough of them, they oft breed loathing,but never content.and indeed how fhould they,being fo difproportionate to the vaff defires of thefe immortal fpirits that dwell in our bolomes? A fpirit hath not flefb and bones, nei- ther can it be fed with fuch, and what bath the world, but a few bones covered over with. forne fleibly delights to give it? Theleffe is blared of the greater, not the greater of the leffe. -Mete things therefore being fo far inferiour to the na- ture of man, he mull look higher if he will be bleffed, even to God himielf who is the Father of fpi7its, God intended,' thefe things for our tile, not enjoyment ; and what folly is it to think we can fqueaze that from them, which God never put in them? They ar,.' breafts, that moderately drawn, yield good milk, fweet re:refhing, but wring them too hard, and you will fuck nothing but windeor blood from them, We lofe what they have, by expeding to finde what they have not ; none find leffe fweetnefle and more diffatisfadion in thefe things, then thofewho flrive molt to plealethemfelves with them,The cream of thecreature floats a top, and he that is not content to fleet it, but thinks by drinking a deeper draught to finde yet more, goes further to fpeed worfe, being fure by the difappointment be hall meet to pierce himfelf through with many forrows. Bait all thefe feares might happily be efcaped, if thou wouideft turn thy back on, the creature, and faceabout for heaven : labour to get Chrift, and through hopes of heaven, and thou takeft the right road to content, thou fink fee it before thee,and enjoy the profped of it as thou goeft, yea, finde that every ftep thou draw- eft nearer and nearer-to it ; 0 what a fweet change wouldeft thou finde ? As a fick man coming out of an impure unwhole- fome climate,where he never was well, when be gets into frefh. aire or his native foile : fo wilt thou finde a cheering of thy fpi- rits, and reviving thy foule with unfpeakable content and peace. Having once doled with Chrift, firft the guilt of all thy linnes- is gone, and this fpoil'd all thy mirth before ; all your dancing, of a childe, when fome pin pricks it will not make it quiet or .merry ; well, now that pin is taken out which robbed thee of the joy of thy life, Secondly, thy nature is renewed and fan- dified ; and when is a mutat eafe, if not whenhe is in health and;