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428 In High Places, Or, and what Is holineffe, but the creature reflored to his right tem- per, in which God created him? Thirdly, thou becomeft a childe of God, and that cannot but pleafe thee well (I hope) to be fon or daughter to fo great a King. Fourthly, thou haft al right to heavens glory, whither thou fhalt ere longbe condu6I- ecl to take and hold poffeflion of that thy inheritance for ever and who can tell what that is Nice/thous:I tells us of one Ag- barra, a great man, that (hearing fo much of ChrifIs fame, by reafon ache miracles he wrought,) fent a Painter to take his piaute,and that the Painter when he came was not able to do ir, becaufe of that radiancy and divine fplendor which fate on Chrifts face. Whether this be true or no,I leave it ; but to be fure,there is fuch a brightnefre on the face of Chrift glorified, and that happineffe which in heaven Saints fhall have with him, as forbids us that dwell in mortal flab to conceive of it aright, much more to expreffe ; 'tis heft going thither to be informed, and then we (hall confeffe we on earth heard not halfe of what we there finde, yea, that our prefent conceptions are no more like to that vifion ofglory we (hall there have, then theSunne in the Painters table, is to theSunne it felf in the Heavens. And if all this be fo, why then do you fpend money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which fatisfieth not, yea, for that which keeps you from that which can fatisfie? Earth- ly things are like fome trafh, which doth not onlynot nourifh, but take away the appetite from that which would. Heaven and heavenly things are not relifhed by a foule vitiated with thefe. Manna, though for delicioufneffe called Angels food ,yet but light bread to an Egyptian palate. Ent thefe fpiritual things depend not on thy opinion, 0 man, whoever thou art (as earthly things in a great meafure do) that the value of them fhould rile or fail as the worlds exchenge doth, and as vain man is pleated to rate them ; think gold dirt, and it is fo ; for all the royal (tamp on it, Count the fwelling titles of worldly honour (that proud duff brags fo in) vanity, and they are fuch : but have bale thoughts of Chrift, and be is not the worfe ; flight heaven as much as you will, it will be heaven ftill, and when thou cornea fo far to thy wits with the Prodigal, as to know which is heft fare, husks or bread ; wherebelt living, a- mong hogs in the field, or in thy Fathers houfe, then thou wilt know