Wherefore take untoyou, &c. 329 know how to judge of theft heavenly things better, till then go andmake the belt market thou canft of the world, but look not to finde this pearle ofprice, true fatisfaCiion to thy foul in any. of the creatures (hops; and were it not better to take it when thou ma)eft have it, then after thou haft wearied thy felf in vaine in following the creature, to come back with flume, and may be miffeof it here alto, becaufe thou wouldeft not have it when it was offered? V E RS E 13. Wherefore tae unto you the whole Armour ofGod, that ye may be able to withfland in the evil day, andhaving done alltofland. He Apoftle in there words re-affumes his former Exhortation mentioned, verfe r i. and preffeth it with a new force, from that more particular dif- covery which he gives of the enemy, verfe 126 where like a faithful Scout he makes a full report of Satans great power and malice, and alto dif- clofeth what adangerous defign he bath upon the Saints, no kite then to defpoil them of all that is heavenly : from all which he gives them a fecond Alarm, and bids them Arme, arme, Wherefore take. unto you, cer'c. In the words confider, Fiat, the exhortation with the inference, wherefore take on- to you the whole Armour of God. Secondly, the argument withwhich he urgeth the exhortation; and that is double. Firft, That p may be able to roitbfiand in theevil day. Uu,