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33o Wherefore taleunto you Secondly, having done all toHand ; that is, both able to fight, and able toconquer. As for the fiat. general, the Exhortation, we shall wave it as-to the fubflance of it, being the fame with what we have handled, v. i I. only there are two obfervables which we (hall lightly touch. The one from the repetition of thevery fame exhortation fo loon, one verfe only interpofed. The other from the verbe theApofile ufeth here,which being not the fame with v. I 1, affords a different note. There it is:Etch.doz,, here, cevaltattiglpe7E, 0444-4,4,44444-101,1414+:14,:,0t+1415,1,140.14+1= C HA P. L the reafon why the Apofile renews the fame Ex- hortation as aliowhat truthes Minifiers are often topreach totheir people. Irfiof the firft, the repetition of the fame exhortation, and .I: that in fo fhort a fpace. Sure it was not for want of mat. ter, but rather out of abundance of zeal, that he harps the fe- cond time on the fame firing. Indeed he is the better Wolk . man, who drives: one mile home with reiterated blowes, then he which covets toenter many, but fattens none. Such Preach. ers are not likely to reach the confcience, who hop from one truth to another, but dwell on none. Every hearer is not fo quick- as the Preacher, to take a notion as 'cis lint darted forth, neither can many carry away fo muchof that Sermon, which is, made up all of varieties, (where a point is no fooner named, but prelently pulls back its hand, and another makes a breach and comes forth, before the firil bath been opened and hammer- ed upon the conicience by a powerful application) As where thedifcaurfe is homogeneal, and fome one neceffaq truth is clear'd, infifted on, and urged home with blow upon blow. Here the whole matter of the di fcourfe is a kin, and .° one part re°