the ?hole rnzortr of vucc. 3 3 xremembred brings the merhory acquainted with the other,where7 as in the forMer one puts out the other in a weak memory. Short hints and away may pleafe a Scholar, but not fo profit- able for others, the one more fit for the Schooles, but the a- , ther for the Pulpit. Were I to buy a garment in a limp, I ihoukt like him better, that layes one good piece or two before me that are for my turn, (which I may fully perufe) then him, who takes down all his lhop, and heaps piece upon piece (meer- ly to thew his ftore) till at laft for variety I can look wifhly on none, they lie fo one upon another. Again, as it is profitable thus to infift on truths, fo 'cisnot 2. unbecoming a Minifter to preach the fame truths again and a. gain; Paul here goes over and over the fame exhortation, v.' r. v. 13. and elfewhere tells us, thh is not grievotu to him, hot to them it id fafe, to hear the fame things over and over, Phil. 3.1. There are three forts of Truths muff in our Miniftery be preached oft. Firft, Fundamental Truth!, or, as we call them, catechife:. points, that contain truths neceffary tobe known and believed. The weight of the whole building lies on thefe ground-cells, more then on fuperftrudory truths- Ina Kingdome there are tome ftaple commodities and trades, without which the Cornb iron-weale could not fubfift, as wool, corne, &c. in our coun- trey, and thefe ought to be encouraged above others, (which though they be an ornament to the Nation, yea, adde to the riches of it, yet are not fo neceffary to the fubfiflence of it) Thus here ; there is an excellent ufe ofour other Minifterial la. hours, as they tend to beautifie and adorne, yea, enrich the Chriftianwith the knowledge of fpiritual myfteries ; but that which is chiefly to be regarded is the conftant faithful opening of thole main truths of the Gofpel. Thefe are the Land-marks, and Phew us the bounds of truth ; and as it is in townes that butt one upon onother ; if the inhabitants do not fometimes perambulate, and walk the bounds, (to thew the youth what they are) when the old ftuds are gone, the next generation may lofe all their priviledges by their encroaching neighbours, becaufe not able to tell what is their own. There is no funda- mental truth, but hash fome evil neighbour, (heretic I mane) butting on it; and the very reafonwhy a fpirit of epour bath Ll u z t®