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the whole Armour of God. 3 33 themfelves, as yet to confider and lament. 0 Sirs, be not weary as in doing, fo not in hearing thole favoury truths preach't you have daily tilt of, becaufe you know them, and have heard themoften; faith and repentance will be good doctrine to preach and heare to the end of the world ; you may as well cJuarre1. with God, becaufe he bath made but one heaven, and one way to it, as with the Preacher for preaching thefe over and over if thyheart were humble, and thy palate fpiritual, old truths would be new to the every time thou heareft them. In heaven the Saints draw all their wine of joy, (as I may fo fay at one tap) and (hall to all eternity, and yet it never mites flat. God, is that one ohjei their foules are filledwith, and never weary of, and can any thing of God and his love be wearifeme to thee in the hearing here ? I am not all this while an Advocate for a- ny Loyterer in our Lords vineyard; for any flothful fervant in the workof the Gape], who wraps up his talent in idleneffe, or buritasit in thecart la(where (may be) he isdigging and playing theworldling all the week, and then bath nothing to let before his people on the Lords day,but one or two old mouldy loaves, which were kneaded many yeares before.) This is not the good Steward, here is the old, but where are the new things which he fhouldking out of his treafure ? If the Minifter labours not to increak*ftock, he is the worft thiefin the Patina. Jr is wick- ed for a man trufted with the improvingofOrphanseftates,to let them he dead by him, much more for a Minifter not to improve- his gifts, (which I may call the town-flockgiven for the good of the foules of both rich and poor;) if that Preacher was wife, Eccl. 12. 9. who Hill taught the people knowledge, that is, was ever going on, endeavouring tobuild them higher in knowledge,, and that he might, did give good heed, andfought out, and let in order many Proverbs ; then furely he will be proved a foolifh Preacher at laft, that waftes his time in floth, or fpends more of it in fludying how to adde to his estate out of his peoples, then how to adde to their gifts and graces, by a confcionableendea, your to increafe his own. u 3, cHAP4