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334 Wherefore take unto you 05Don. WOOS 000044000000:0000 CHAP. Thebeflof S a ints fubje51 to decline in theirgraces, andwhy we are to encleavoler 4 recovery of de- cayes ingrace. THe fecond obfervable in the exhortation is taken from the verbe, which the Apoltleufeth,dveempEadvem which figni- es not only to take, but to take again, or recover a thingwhich we have loft, or re-affurne a thing which for the prefent we have left. Now the Apoftle writing to the Saints at Ephefia, who (at leaf} manyof them) were not now to put on this Armour by a Converfion, (or the firft work of faith, which no-doubt had al- readypaft upon many among them) he in regard of them,and believers to theend of the world bath a further meaning, i.e. that they would put on more dole where this arrlibtir hangs , look and they would recover where theyhave let fall any duty, or decayed in any grace. So that the Note is, That the Chrifiian ihould havean efpecial care to repaire his bra. ken c/frrnosor to recover his decayinggraces. This Armour maybe battered;I might fhew fad examples in the feveral pieces. Was not 7acobs girdle of truth and fincerity unbuckled, when he tr. fed that finful policy to get the Melling ? he was not the plain man then , but the fubplantour ; but he had as goodhave flay- ed Gods time : he was paid home inhis own kinde. He puts a cheat on his father, and did not Labanput a cheat on him, gi- vingLeah for Rachel? What fay you to Davids breaft- plate of righteoufneffe in the matter of Vriah? was it not fhot through, and that holy man fearfullywounded ? who lay almoft a yeare (for ought we reade of him,) before he came to himfelf, fo far as to be thoroughly fenfible of his fin, till Nathan a faithful Chi- xurgion was fent to fearch the wound, and clear it of that dead flefh,