Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

342 Wherefore take untoyou tome ofpoor fouls complaints in this cafe.Othey never felt prides hypocrilie and other corruptions fo haunt them as now ; none knows how they are vexed with thefe, and the like betides themfelves. Now let me ask thee who makefl this fad moane, whether thou doeft not think thefe corruptions were in thee before thou didft thus feel them ? how oft haft thou prayed as formally, and not been troubled? how oft haft thou flood chat- tingwith the fame tufts, and thy foule bath not been laid low before the Lord with fuch abafement of thy felt as now ? deal faithfully between God and thy foule, and tell not a lie for God by bearing falfe witneffe againfrthy felf. If it be thus, thouhaft rather a comfortable figne of grace growing then de- caying. Sin cannot be on the getting hand, if the fenfe of fin grow quick ; this is the concomitant of a thriving foul, 'none fo full of complaints of their own hearts as fuch ; the leaft fin goes now to their very foules, which makes them thinkviler of them. felves then ever: but it is not the increafe offin in them, but the advance of their love to Chrift makes them judge fo : when the Sunishines with Tome power, and the year gets up, we obferve, though we may have froth and fnow, yet they do not lie long, hut are foon diffolved by the Sun. 0 'cis a tweet figne that the 161re of Chrift fhines with a force upon thy foule, that no corruptions can lie long in thy bofome, but they melt into for- row and bitter complaints. That is the decaying foul where finne lies bound up and frozen, Tattle fenfe of, or forrow for it appears. Secondly, Take heed thou thinkeft not grace decayes, be- % caufe thy comfort vit-hdrawes. The influence of the Sun comes where the light of it is not to be found, yea, is mighty, as ap- pears in thofe mines of gold and flyer, which are concocted by the fame. And fo may the adings of grace be vigourous in thee, when leaft under the fhines ofhis countenance. Did ever faith triumph more then in our Saviour, crying; My god , my God; here faith was at its meridian, when it was midnight in refped of joy. Poflibly thou cornea from an Ordinance, and bringeft not home with thee thole fheaves of comfort thou ufeft to do, and therefore conclude grace aEled not in thee as for- merly. Truly if thou haft nothing elle to go by, thou mayeft wrong the grace of God in tbee exceedingly, Becaufe thy conl, fort