340 Wherefore take unto you heavy-eyed, and his heart nor in fo holy a frame as it had been. Ifan enemy comes up to the gates, and the fentinel not fo much as give an alarm to the City ofhis approach, it fhewes he is off hisguard, either fallen afleep,or worfe: if grace were a_ wake, and thy confcience had not contracted fome hardneffe, it would doits office. 2. Secondly, when a temptation to fin is difcovered, and thou findeft thyheart (but up that thou cloth not pray againft it, or not with that zeal and holy indignation, as formerly upon fuch occafions ; it is a bad figne, that lull bath got an advantage of thygrace, that thou canft not readily betake thy felfe to thy armes. Thy affections are bribed, and this makes thee fo cold a.Suitour at the throne of grace, for helpe againft thine e- nemy. Thirdly, when the arguments prevailing molt with thee to refill temptations to fin, or to mourn for fin committed, are more carnal and lege Evangelical then formerly : may be thou remembreft when thy love to Chrift would have fpir fire on the face of Satan tempting thee to filch a fin ; but now that holy fire is fo abated, that if there were not come other carnal motives to make the vote full, it would hazard to becarried for it, ra- ther then againft it ; and fo in mourning for a fin there is poi- ,fibly now Tome flavifh arguments, (like an onion in the eye, whichmakes thee weep, rather then pure ingenuity arifing from love toGod whom thou haft offended, this fpeaks a fad decay, and the more mixture there is of fuch carnal arguments, either in the refitting of, or mourning for fin, the greater the cleclina- ttion ofgrace is. David, natural heat lure was much decayed,_ when he needed fo many cloathes to be laid on him, and he yet feel fo little heat, the timewas he would have fweat with fewer. I am afraid, many their love to Chrift will be found (in thefe declining times) to have loft fo much of its youthful vigour, that what would formerly have put them into a holy fury , and burning zeal againft fome fins,(ruch asSabbath-breaking,pride of apparel, negled of family-duties, &c ) Lath now much ado to keep any heat at all in them againft the fame. Secondly, in point of duties ofvvorfhip. 7. Firft if thy heart cloth not prompt thee with that forward- neffe andreadineffe as formerly, to hold communion with God in