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the whole Armour of God. ++4444); ttfl,flitlitt4411+:414444110+00 339. CRA P. IV. A wordof cottnfil for the recovery of declining. grace. E come now to give afew directions to theChriftian,how to recover decaying grace. Enquire faithfully into the caufe of thy declining. The Chriftians armour decays two wayes; eitherby violent battery, when the Chriftian is overcome by temptations to fin; or elfe by neglecting to forbifhand fcoure it with the ufe of thole means which are as oile, to keep it clean and bright. Now enquire, which of thefe have been the caufe of thy decay. Jr is like both concurre. Firft, if thy grace be weakened by anyblow, given it by any fincommitted by thee; there then lies a threefold duty upon thee towards the recovery of it., Pith, thou art to renew thy repentance. It is Chrifts coun. fel, Rev. 2. 5. to Epheftet, Repent,anddo thy firfi works ; where it is not only commanded as a duty. but prelcribed as a means for her recovery; as if he had laid, Repent, ;bat-thou mayeft do thy firft works. So,Hofea 14.2. The Lord Pets back Hiding. radabout this work, bidding her take words and tarn to the Lord ; and, v. 4. he then tells her he'll take her in hand to recover her of her fins, I will !male their back-tidings : a repent- ing foule is under promife of healing ; did therefore (Chrifti. an) go and fearch thy heart, as thou wouldeft do thy houfe, if tome thiefor murderer lay hid in it, to cut thy throat in the night ; and when thou haft found the fin that has done thee the- rnifchief, then labour to fill thy heart with fharne for it, and in- dignation againft it, and fo go bigwith forrow, and caft it forth before.the Lord in a heart-breaking confeflion3 better thou do this