346 Wherefore take unto you Secondly, from the Word go to meditation ; this is as bel- }owes to the fire; that grace which lies chozk't and eaten up for want of exercife, will by this be cleared and break forth ; while thou art muting this fire will burne,and thy heart grow hot with- in thee, according to the nature of the fubjeft thy thoughts dwell upon : refolve therefore (Chrifiian) to enclofe fome time from- all worldly Suitours, wherein thou mayeft every day (if pollible) at leaft rake a view of the molt remarkable occurren- ces that have paft between God and thee;Firitask thy foul what takings it bath had that day, what mercies heaven bath fent into thee, an I do notwhen thou hail askt the queftion, (like Pi/ate) go out; but flay till thy foul has made report of Godsgracic us dealings to thee : and (if thou beeft wife to obferve,and faithful to relate them) thy confcience mull tell thee, that the cock was never turn'd, the breafi of mercy never put up all the day, while thou art viewing thefe frefh mercies, telling over this neea, coine, hot out of the mint of Gods bounty, ancient mercies theywill come crowding in upon thee, and call fora place in thy thoughts, and tell thee what God bath done for thee rnoneths and years ago, (and indeed old debts should not be paid Jail) give them (Chrillian) all a hearing one time or an- other, and thou (halt fee how they will work upon thy inge- nious fpirit. It is with the Chriftian'in this cafe, as with fome Merchants fervant that keeps his Mailers cafh, he tells his Ra- fter he bath a great fumtne ofhis by him, and defires he would difcharge him of ir, and fee how his accounts hand, but he can never Linde him at leifure. There is a great treafure of mercy alwayes in the Chriftians hands, and confcience is oft calling the Chriflian to take the account, and fee what God has done. for him, bat feldom it is, he can finde time to tell his mercies o- ver; and is it any wonder that fuch fhould go behinde-hand in their fpiritual eflate, who take no more notice what the graci- ous dealings of God are with them ? how can he be thankful that feldome thinks what he receives ? or patient when God af- Bias,- that wants one of the moil powerful arguments to pacific a mutinous fpirit in trouble, and that is taken from the abundant good we receive at the hands of the Lord as well as a little evil? how can fuch a foules love flame toGod, that is kept at fuch a difiance from the mercies ofGod, which are fuel to it? and the hk