348 Wherefore take untoyon,&c. yerufalem is compared. 'Tis obfervable concerning the houfe in whole ruines jobs children were entombed, that a winde came from the wilderneffeand fmote the foure corners of it ; it fcems it ftood alone; the devil knowes what he does in hin- dering this great Ordinance of communion of Saints; indoing this he hinders the progreffe of grace, yea, brings that which Chriftianshave, into a declining wafting ftate. The Apoftle couples thofe two duties dole together, to hold fall our Pro- fegion, and to confider one another, and provoke unto love and to gooiworki,Heb.10.23,24.Indeed it is a dangerous ilep to Apofta. fy, to forfake the communion of Saints; hence 'tis Paid of D01141, he bath left to,and embraced theprefent World. 0what mifchief has Satan done us in thefe few late years, in this one particular ? what is become of this communion of Saints ? where are there two or three to be found that can agree to walk together ? thofe that could formerly fuffer together, can- not fit together at their Fathers table, can hardlypray one with or one for another ; the breathof one Chriftian is ftrange to an other that once lay in his bofome ; - This is a lawentati- en and be far a lamentation. CHAP . . ... . . .. ;. ....