Thaiye ;naybe able toflancl,&c. 349 . $1,444444044t14.4444044t$09)+41,444440? CHAP. V. The words opened, and what is meant by the e- vill day. Thatye may be able to withfland in theevil day, andha- ving done, &c. WE come to the argument with which the Apoftle urgeth the exhortation, and that is double. The firft bath refpe& to the home of battel, that ye may be able towitbfland in theevil (lay. The fecond to the happy iffue of the war, which will crown the C iftian thus tired, and that is certain vietory, andhaving done al and. Fir of the firft, That ye may be able to With( land in the evil day ; But what is this evil day ? Some take this evil day to comprehend the whole life of a Chriflian here below in this valeof tears ; and then the argument runs thus: Take to your felves thewhale Armour of God, that you may be able to per- fevere to the end ofyour life, which you will finde, as it were, one continued -day of trouble and trial. Thus 7acob drawes a black line over his whole life,FeW and evil have thedays of my life been , Gen. 47. What day Chines fo faire that over calls not before night, yea, inwhich the Chriftian meets not with fome shower or other, enough todeferve the name of an evil day ? Every dayhath its portion, yea, proportion; Sufficient it the evil of the day, We need not borrow and take up forrows upon ufe of themorrow, to make up our prefent load 3 as we read ofdaily bread, fo ofa daily croffe, Luke 9. 23. which we are bid to take, not to make, (we need not make croffes for our felves, as we are prone todo) God in his, Providence will provideone for ns- ' andwe are bid to take it up, but we hear no- thing of laying it down, till croffe and we lie down together ; our troubles and our lives arecommons, live and die together;, Y Y here: