354. ThatJe may be able tofland 1. Secondly, theday of affliecibri is an evil day, as it is an un- welcome retnembrancer of what finful evils have pa ffed in our lives It revives the memory ofold fins, which it may be,were buried many years ago in the grave of forgetfulneffe. The right of affli'aion is the rime when filth ghofts ufe to walk in [pens confciences- ' and as the darkneffe of the night addes to the bOrrour any fcareful objea, fo cloth the fare of aftl:ftion (which is it felf uncomforrable-.) adde to the terrour of out finnes then remembred. Never did tlic Pariarchs fin look fo gliattly on them, as when it recoii'd upon them in their difIreffe, gen. 4% n - The finer then bath more real apprehentions ofwrath then- at anozher rime; aft-talon approximates judgement, yea, itivinterpreted by him, as a Purfcvant fent to call him preterit '? ly before God, and`therefore mu(Ince& beget a -woful conIu lion and conflernation in his fpirit. 0 that. men would think of this, bow they could bear the fight of their fins, and a Rehear- cal sermon of all their wayesin da)! That is the bleffed man indeed Vi-ho Can with the Prophet then look 'on them, and triumphover th(na,"fitis indeed is a dark parable,as he calls it,few can skilloffr,as P/.9413,4 I i1lQpe n my dark,faying upon the harp; Wherefore fhould Ifeare in the day ofevil, when the iniquity of my t heels c6mpale:h me about ? Thirdly, me day ofaffh&on makes clikovery of much evil to, bein the-heart, which was not leen before., Afiliaion fhakes arid royles the creature, if any lediment be at the bottome it will appear then. Sometimes it difeovers the heart to be quire naught, that before had tome kerning good, there fuds warn off the hypocrites paint, /17,,v,ftra,r/exata prods': leipfam. . When cor-, rupt nature is vexr flews it felf, and tome affii,(Cons do that to purpbfe, TvVe reade of ft,-,ch as are of@ided whe.pPeriecution comes; they fall qtr:re out:with their Prafeffion, becaufe it puts them to filch coil and trouble; others in' their diftreffe that curie their God, Ifa, 8 It is invifible for a naughty heareto,- thtnkwell lof n affl tirgC J The hiceling, ifhii Iviafier takes, opia-113.ffe to b-6ain th7ows down his work and runs away and fodo:h a falfejitait'fc'rve God. 'Yea, ;ev-sn where theper, for' is graeious, cotru S oftiound to be,fttorigec and grace weaker then they were thought to be Peter, :who let out fo 44 I iant'ly at lira to walk on the lea; the winde clot h_bu4ife aid he