356 That ye may be able tofiand fad, firft in regard of fin,, they leave them worfe, more impeni° tent, hardened in fin, and outragious in their wicked pradices Every plague on Egypt added to the plagne of hardnefre on Pharaohs heart : he that for force while could beg prayers of Ma- fel for himfelf, at laff comes to that paffe, that he threatens to kill him if he come at him any more. 0 what a prodigious height do we fee many come to in fin after tome great fickneffe or other judgement ? Children do not more fhoot up in their bodily fiature after an ague, then they in their lulls after affli- &ans. 0 how greedy and ravenous are they after their prey , when they once get off their clag and chain from their heeles I when Phyli,k works not kindly, it doth not only leave the dif- cafe uncured , but the poifon of the Phyfick flays in the body alfo.Many appear thus poifoned by their afflietions,by the break- ing out of their lutil afterward. Secondly, in regard of forrow, every affliction on a wicked perion produceth another, and that a greater then it felt. The 4;#4.-wedge comes the latte which (hall rive him fit for the fire, the limner is whip't from afflidi- on t o affliction, as the vagrant from Conflable to Conftable till at laft he comes to hell, his properplace and fetled abode, where all forrrows will meet in one that is endleffe. The fecond blanch of the point follows. This evil day is unavoidable. Wemay as well flop the chariot of the Sun,when potting to night, and chafe away the nudes of the evening, as efcape this houre of darkneffe that iscoming upon us all. None Lab potter over the Spirit to retain it, neither bath hepower in the dayof death, and there is no difeharge is that VP4r, Eccl. 8. 8. Amongmen 'cis poffible to get offwhen prat for the wars, by pleading priviledgeofyeares, elate, weakneffe of body, pro. teetion from the Prince, and the like, or if all thefe fail, pollibly the fending another in our room,or a bribe given in the hand may ferve the turn. But in this war the preffe is fo ftrAthat there is no difpenfation;Daeid could willingly have gone for his fon,we hear b r crying,evox/ei god bad diedfor thee,0 4biralon,,my fon,myfog but he will not be taken, that young Gallant muft go himfelf. We muff in our own perfon come into the field, and look death in the race. Some indeed we finde fo fond as to promife them- fe Ives immunity from this day, as if they had an enfuring office P.tticit breaft. They fay they have made a Covenant with death, e (rte.:it