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45S That ye may be able to fiand full pay,for their fins,which the threatening makesdue debt,ancl engq,eth God to perform; The godly alto who are the feed of Chrift, thefe fhould not receive the whole purcha le of his blood, which he would never have fheel but upon the credit of Oar promife ofeternal life, which God gave him for them be- fore the world began; This is the reafon why God bath made rLs dy lo lure, in it be difchargeth both bonds, he third branCh of the point follows, That it behoves eve- , ry one to prepare, and effeaually to provide for this evil day, which fo unavoidably impends us: And that upon a twofold account ; Pia in point of duty. Secondly, in point of wif- dome. r. Fa, in point of duty. Eirft, it is upon our allegiance to the great God, that we provide and arme our felves againft this day. Suppofe a fubjeet were triffled with one of his Princes cailles, and this man fhould hear that a puiffant enemy was coming to lay liege to this callle, yet takes no care to lay in armes and provifion for his defence, and fo 'tis loll, how could fuch a one be clear'd oftreafon ? doth he not bafely betray the place, and with it his Princes honour into the enemies hand ? Our fouls are this cattle which we are every one to keep for God. We have certain intelligence that Satan bath a defign upon them, and the time when he intends to comewith all his powers of dark.' neffe, to be that evil day. Now as we would be found true to our mil, we are obliged to ftand upon our defence, and fire our (elves with what may enable us to make a vigorous refill- ance. 2. Secondly, we are obliged to provide for that day, as a fuitable return for, and improvement of the opportunities and meanes, which God affords us for this very end. We cannot without fhameful ingratitude to God, make wafte of thole helps God gives us in order to this great work. Every one would cry out upon him that fhould bafely ipend that money upon riot in pri- i fon, which was fent him to procure his deliverance out of pri- i fon ; And do we nor !Alb to bellow thole talents upon our lofts and Satan ? which God gracioufly indulgeth to deliver us from them, and his rage in a dying houre ? what have we Bi- bles for, Minifters and preaching for ? if we mean not to fur- nifb our felves by them with armour for the evil day ? In a word, what