in the evil day. 359 what is the intent of God in lengthening our our dayes, and continuing us force while here in the land of the living ? was it that we might have time to revel or rather ravel out upon the pleafure of this vaine world? Doth he give us our precious time to be employed in catching fuch butterflies as thefe earthly ho- nours and riches are ? It cannot bc. Mailers do nor ufe (if wire) to let their fervants about fuch work, as will not pay for the cermcile they burne in doing it. And truly nothing idle then the gldrifying ofGod, and laving our foules at laft can be worth the precious time we fpend here. The great God bath a greater. end then molt think in this difperifItion : If we would judge a- right, we fliould take his own interpretation of his adions And the ApollIe Peter bids us, count that the loKg. lull-eying of the Lord is falvation-, 2 Pet. 3.15. which place he quotes out of Pw.d, (as to the fenfe, though not in the fame forme of words) which in Rom. 2. 4. are theie, Or derpilefi thou the riche.; of hif goodne(re,andforbeurance,and long-fugering,not kuoting bat the goodneffeofGod leadeth thee to repentance ? From both places we are taught what is the rninde of God, and the language be fpealts to us in by every moments patience, and inch of rime that is granted to us. It is a fpace given for repentance. God fees (as we are) death and judgement could bring no good new to uswe are in no cafe to welcome the evil day, and therefore mercy flan& up toplead for the poor creature in Gods bolome; and begs a little time more may be added to its life, that by this iudulgence it may be provoked to repent before he be called to the bar. Thus we come by every day that F.3 Continually fuper- added to our time on earth. And doth not this lay a thongob- ligationbri us '7.o lay out every point of this time, unto the fame end 'tis begged for. . Secondly,in point of veifclorne. The wifdom of a man al/rats 2. molt eminently in two things. Firft, in the matter ofhis choice an,d chief care. Secondly, in a due timing ofthis his choice and care. Ertl, a wife man rnakesthoice of thatfor the fubje& of-"hiS chief care and endeavour, which is of great& importanee and confequence to hirn;fools and children only are intent about toys and trifles. They are as bufie and earneft in making ofa houfe of dirt or cards, as Sokmo3 was in making of his Temple. Thole poor.