;6o That ye may be able tofland. poor babies are as adequate to their foolTh apprehenfions, as great enterprifes are to wife men. Now filch is the importance of the evil day, efpecially that of death, that it proves a man a fool, or wife, as he comports himfelf to it. The end fpecifies e- very action, and gives it the nameof good or oil, of Wife or foolifh. The evil day of death is as the end of orr dayes, fo to be the end of all the actions of our life. Such wilt our life be found at lall, as it bath been in order to this one day, If the feveral items ofour life (counfels and projects that we have put fued) when they (ball then be call up, will amount to a blared death, then we (ball appear to be wife men indeed, but if after all our goodly plots and policies for other things, we be unprovided for that houre, we mull be content to die fooles at lall; And no Inch fool as the dying fool. The Chr.flian goes for the fool (in the worlds account) while he lives ; but when death comes, the wife world will then confeffe they mil-call'd him, and (hall take it to themfelves; We fooles counted hishire to be madnefe,and his end to be without loonour.Rtst how is he now numbeed among the children ofGod, andhis lot is among the Saints? therefore have we erredfrom the way of truth, Wild. 5.4, 5. The place is Apocryphal, but finners will finde the matter of it Cana- ) meal. 'Tis true indeed, Saints are out-witted by the world in the things of the world, and no marvel, neither doth it impeach their wifdome any more, then it doth a Scholars, to be excell'dby the Cobler in his mean trade. Naturewhere it intends higher excellencies, is morecareleffe in thole things that are inferiour, as we fee in man, who (being made to excel the bealls in a ra- tional foul) is himfelf excelled by fome bean or other in all his fenfcs. Thus the Chriftian may well be furpaft in matters of worldly commerce, becaufe he hath a nobler object in his eye, that makes him converfe with the things of the world in a kinde ofnon-attendance ; he is not much careful in thefe matters if he can die well at laft, and be juflified for a wife man at the day of the refurreaion, all is well ; he thinks it is not manners, to be unwilling to flay fo long for the clearing ofhis wifdom, as God can wait for the vindicatingof his. own glorious Nature, which will not appear in its glory till that day, when he will convince Jud. . 15, the ungodly of their hard thoughts and fpeeches of him, Then they 1110, till then they will not be convinced. Se-