36 2 Thatye may be able toft-and foul for heaven, when tolling upon a lick bed. Things that are done in a hurry are feldome done well; A man cali'd out of his bed at midnight with a difmal fire on his houfetop, cannot Hand todreffe himfeif in order as at another time ; but runs down with one Rockinghalf on may be,and the other not on at all. Thole poor creatures I am afraid go in as ill a dreffe into an- other world, who begin to provide for it, when on a dying bed confcience calls them up with a cry of hell-fire in their bolornes: But(alasOthey muffgo,though they have not time to put their armour on. And fo they are put to repent at leifure in hell, of their fluffing up a repentance in hafle here. We come to the Application of the Point. CHAP. VII, The Application of the Point. 17WI., it reproves thole that are fo far from providing for the e t. I. evil day, that they v., ill not fuffer any thoughts of that day to flay with di( m, they are as unwilling robe led into a ciiliourfe of this fubje6t, as a childe to be carried into the dark, and there left. It is a death to them to thick of death, or that which leads to it. As force fooiifhly think, they mull needs die prefent- ly when they have made their Will,fo there think they haftenthat i'erowful day by muting on it. The meditationof it is no more welcome to them, then the company of Moles was to Pharaoh. Therefore they fay to it as he to Afoles, get thee fromme, and let me lee thyface no more ; the feare of it makes them-to butcher and make away all thofe thoughts which confcience firs up- concerning it, And at lafl theyget Inch a maflery of their con- Iciences, that they arrive to a kindeofA tbeifme, it is as rare to have them thinkor (peak of fuck matters, as to fee a flie bufie in. Winrer. Nothing now but what is frolick and jocund is enter- tained by them. ilany fuck thoughts come. as prophefie mirth and.,