364 That ye maybe able tofiand broad from the pleafures of this life, 0 then they will do great matters to fie them for the evil day. Bold man l who gave thee leave to cur out fuch large thongs of that time which is not thine but Gods? Who makes the Leafe, the Tenant or the Landlord ? or doeff thou forget thou farmeft thy life, and art not an Ow. ner ? This is the device of Satan, tomake you delay, whereas a preterit expeaationof the evil day, would not let yea fit flill un- prepared. 0 why do you let your follies from their 'work, - make them idle and reft from their burdens, by telling them of long life, while death chop in upon you unawares? 0what flume will your whorifh hearts be put to, (that now fay your husband is gone afar off, you may fill your [elves with loves) if he fhould come before he is look't for and finde you in bed with lofts? And let me tell yc'u,fudden deffuaion is threatened, elpccially to fuch fecure ones. Meade Matti-. 24. 48. 5o, 51. where 'cis denounced againfl that fort of [inners, who plf.ae them- felves with their Lords delaying his coming, that the Lord ofthat fervant (hall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in all &tire that he is not aware of. Indeed Godmuff go out of his or- dinary road of dealing with [inner. , if loch fcape a fudden ruP ine. One is bold to challenge any to (hew a Prefident in Scri.. pture ofany that arebranded for fecurhy, that fame remarkable yea, fudden judgement did notTurprile.. Sodom, how foon after a Sun-fhine morning did the heavens thicken, and bury them in a few hotures, (by a [forme of fire) in their own afhes Car_e- effe Laifh cut ofbefore they almaff think of it. Agag,when he law the clouds of his fears break, and faire weather was in his countenance, they retain immediately upon him, and (hut him up in death ; he is prefently he+,en in pieces. ,Amalek. [laugh- tered by David before the triumph or their late victory was cold. IVebtichadnezzar itrutting hiaire:f in hi 's Palace v ich this bravado in his mouth; (snot thts great 'Babylon that 'have built ? and before he can get the words eut ofhis throat, there is ano- ther voice falling from heaven, laying, 0 King, to thee be it fpc.= Dan. 4 ken, thy Kingdome is departed from thee: and tie :ame haute it was 31, 33' fu/fl/1'd, and he fent to graze with the bealls. Dives blefling himfelf for many years, and within a fern houres the pillow is pluck'c from unclerhis head, and you heare nomore of him, till Qut of hell he roarer, yea,a A'hole world, (few perrons excepted) drowned,