in the evilday. 365 drowned, and they not know till the day the flood came, 24.29. and fwept them all away And who arc thou, 0 man, that prornifeft thy felf an exempt ion,when Kings,Cities; a whole world have been ruined after this fort? Tnis reproves thofe, who indeed think oft of this evil day, r ' vie 3e (much againft their will,) by reafon ofan a wakened confciencc, that is ever pinching of them, and preaching on Pants text (be. fore Felix) to them, till it makes them tremble as he did ; yet fuch is the power of lull in their hearts, that it makes them fpur on, notwithflanding all the rebukes coniciencegives them, and affrighting thoughts they have of the evil day ; yet they con- : tinue in their old tradeof fin defperately. Thefe wretches are the objeds of our faddeft pity. The fecure linnet (that has broke prifon from his confcience,) is like a fl rong-brain'd drun- kard, he (wallows down his fin, (es the ocher doth his drink) with pleafure, and is notflired at all but here is a man that N nomack-lick, (as I may fo fay) his confcience is oft disgorging his tweet draughts, and yet he wi:lfinne, thouith with pain and anguilin 0 confider (poor wretches) what you d o, inflead of armir g your Elves againft the evil day, you arme the evil day againft your felves ; you are flicking the bed with pins and needles, on which you mull ere long be lard you are throw- ing billets into that fiery furnace, wherein at tall you than be call, and all this in fpight of your confciences, which yet God mercifully lets in your way, that the prckings of them may be as a hedge of thornes, to keep thee .from the purfuit of thy hilts, Know therefore, if thou wilt go on that as thy confci- ence takes from the pleafure ofthy fin at prefent, fo it adde to thehorrour of thy torment hereafter. It reproves thofe, who though they are not fo violent and Vie 4. outragious in fin, to make them {link aboveground in the ho- arils of others, yet reit in an unared condition, they do not flie to. Chrilt for covering and flicker again(' this day of florme and tempell, and .the reaton is, they have a lie in their right hand, they feed on-a414.14, and a deceived heart carries them afide from feekingalter Chrift. It would make one tremble to fee how confident many are with their falfe hopes and felf-confi- dences, daring to come up (as Corab with his Cenfer, as undaunt- edly as 1110fi $ nimfelf) even to the mouth of the grave, till on a A a a 3 fadden,