in the evil clay. wile would cut deeper in his amazed heart. But if thou belie vett another world, and that 'judgment which Rands at death's back, ready to allot tl'ee thy unchangeable ftate in lalifie or nil_ fery ; fur ely thou rank not relieve thy awakened confeience with loch a poor cordial, 0 therefore think what anfwer thou meaneft to give unto the great God, at thy appearing before him when he fhall ask thee what thou cant} fay, why the fentence of eternal damnation fhould not then be pronoun- ced againft thee. Truly we deale unfaithfolly with our owne foules, if we bring not our thoughts to this iffue. If now you fhould ask how you fhould provide againft the evill day, fo that you may Rand before that dreadful bar, and live fo in the mean time, that you might not be under a flavifh bondage,. through the fearful expectation of it; Take it in a few di- . re6tions. Firfl,if ever you would have a bieffed iffue of this evil dav,fo as r. to Rand in lodgement before the great God, reft not till thou haft got into a Covenant relation With Chrifi, Dying living comfort was drawn from the Covenant God had made with him ; this was all his defire and all his falvation ; how rani} thou put thy head into the other world without horrour, if thou haft not folid ground that Chrft will own thee for his ? Heaven hath its proper heires, and fo bath hell. The heires of heaven are Inch as are in Covenant with God. The foundati- on of it was laid in a Covenant, and all the manfions there are prepared for a people in Covenant with him ; gather my- Saints together that have made a Covenant ttitb me. But how rnayeft thou get into this Covenant-relation ? Firft, break thy covenant with fin. Thou art by nature a covenant- fervant to fin and Satan, may be thou haft not exprefly in words and for- mally as witches feal'd this covenant, yet virtually as thou haft' done the work of Satan, and been at the command of thy lulls, accepting the reward of unrighteoufneffe, (the pleafure and carnal advantages they have paid thee in for the fame) therein, thou haft declared thy fell to be lb. Now if ever thou wilt be taken into Covenant with God; break this ; a Covenant with: hell and heaven cannot Rand together. Secondly, betroth thy felf to Cbrill-. The Covenant of grace 2; is the joynture which God fettles only upon Chrifts Spoufe. Re-