And having done all toHand. 37 thy foul what Chrift bath done to take the fl: ng out of it what the Tweet promifes are, that are given on purpofe to overcome the feare of it, and what thy hopes are thou {halt get by it. Thefe will fatisfie and compofe thy Spirit,ivvhereas the fhunning the thoughts of it will but increafe thy feare, and bring thee more into bondage to it , itt(41444004+00+4410,Dt+Ottutitti-1441 tRit CHAP. VIII. ThefecondArgument with which the ExhortatioU is preffed, drawn from the affured varywhich fball crown thefouler confli5, if in this Armour, where feveral Points couched in the Argument, are briefly handled. WE come now to the fecond Argument the Apoftle ufetb, further to preffe the exhortation ; and that is taken from the glorious vi6tory, whichhovers over the heads of belie- vers while in the fight, and (hall furely crown them in the end ; this is held forth in thefe words, And having done all, to gavd. The phrafe is fhort,but full. S EC T. I, Firft obferve, Heaven is not won withgood words and a fair Profeffion ; Havingdone all. The doing Chriftian is the man that fhall ftand, when the emn boafter of his faith {hall fall.: Thegreat talkers of Religion are oft the leaf{ doers. His Religi- on is in vaine, whole Profelfion brings not letters teftimonial from a holy life. Sacrifice without obedience is Samledge. b 2 Such I;