37 2 Andhaving done all toRand. Such robGod of thatwhich he makes molt account of A great Captainonce fmoteone ofhis fouldiers for railing at his enemy, faying, that hecalled him not to raile on him, but to fight againit him and kill him. 'Tis not crying out upon the devil, and de- claiming againft fin in prayer or difcourfe, but fighting and mortifying it that God lookschiefly upon ; fuch a one elfe doth but beat theaire ; there are no marks to be feen onhis flesh and unmortified hilts that hebath fought. Paulwas in earneft, he left a witneffe upon his body, made black and blew with ftroaks of mortification. It was not a little vapouring in fight of the Philiftines that got `Davidhis wife, but fhedding their blood : And is it fo fmail a matter to be fon to the King ofHea- ven, that thou thinkeft to obtain it, without giving a real proof of thy zeal for God, and hatred to fin P Not a forgetful bearer, but a doer of the work; this man (faith the Apoftle)A411 be blefed in his deed, James r. 25. Mark, not by his 'deed, but in his deed;he (hall meet bleffedneffe in that way ofobedience he walks in. The empty Profeffour difappoints others, who feeing his leaves, expeet fruit,but finde none ; and at lift he difappoints himfelf; he thinks to reach heaven, but (hall miffe of it. Ter- , railian fpeaks of tome that think, Sat'ss Delon habere, fieortle (1. animaftsfpiciatto, hat aflu minusfiat: God hath enough (they think) if he be feared and reverenced in their hearts, though in their aftions they (hew it not fomuch : and therefore they can fin, andbelieve in God, and feare him never the worfe : This (faith he) is to play the Adultereffe, and yet be chafte, to prepare poifon for ones father, and yet be dutiful ; but let fuch know, (faith the fame father) that if they can fin and believe , God will pardon themwith a con tradition alfo ; hell forgive them, but they fhall be turn'd into hell for all that. As ever you would limed at laft, look you be found doing the work your Lordbath left you to make up, and trait not to lying words, as the Prophet fpeaks, 10+7. SECT.