Andhaving done"all to flaw!. SECT. II. 373 Secondly, Obferve, that fuch is the mercy of God in Chrift Do J. B. to his children, that he accepts their weak endeavours, (joyn'd with fincerity and perfeverance in his fervice) as if they were full obedience, and therefore they are here Paid to have done all. 0 who would not ferve filch a Lord I. you hear fervants fornetimes complain of their Mafters to be fo rigid and arid-, that they can never pleafe them, no, not when they do their utmoft : But this cannot be charged upon God. Be but fo faithful as to do thy belt, and God is fo gracious that he will. ",; pardon thy worft. David knew this Golpe indulgence, when be fail, Then fhall 1 not de afhamedWben I have refpea to all thy Commandments, Pfal. 119.6. 0, zrt when myeye is to all thy Commandments. The Traveller hub, his eye on or towards the place he is going,though he be yet fhort of it; there he would be, and is putting on all hecan to reach it; So ftands the Saints heart to all the Commands ofGod,hepreffeth on to come nearer and nearer to full obedience:fuch a foul fhall never be put to fhame. But wo to thole that cover their floth with the nameof infirmi- ty, yea, that fpend their zeal and ftrength in the purfuit of the world or their lulls, and then think to make all up when charg'd therwith.That it is their infirmity,and they can ferveGod no bet- ter. Thefe do by God as thole two did by their Prince, (Fran cis the firft of France) who cut off their right hand one for an- other, and then made it an excufe they were lame, and fo could not ferve inhis Galleys, for which they were fent to the Gal- lowes. Thusmany will be found at Taft to have difabled them- felves, by refufing that help the Spirit bath offered to them; yea, waftedwhat they had given them, and fo fhall be reward- ed for hypocrites as they are. God knows how to diftinguifh ) between the fincerity of a Saint in the midft of his infirmities, and the fhifts ofa falfe heart. But we will wave thefe, and briefly fpeak to foure points which lie clear in the words. Firft,here is the neceffity of perfeverance.Having done all. I 21Y, here is the neceffity ofdivineArmour,to perfevcre til we have done al.Wherfore elfe bids he them take thisarmour for this Dbbi snd,