374 Andhaving done all to fiend. end, if they could do it without 3 Thirdly, here is the certainty of perfevering and overcoming at laft, if clad with this Armour, eife it were final' encourage- ment to bid them take that Armour which would not furely fend them. 4. Fourthly, here is the bleffed refute of the Saints perfeverance, propounded as that which will abundantly recompence all their pain and patience in the war, having done all to Stand. .From thefe follow foure diflina Points. Fiat, he that will be Chrifts fouldiermuff perfevere. 2. Secondly, there can be no perfeverance without true grace in 3. the heart. Thirdly, where true grace is, that foul fhall perfevere. 4. Fourthly, to ftand at the end of this war, will abundant- ly recompence all our hazard and hardfbip endured in the warre. SECT. III. r; He that will be Chrifts fouldier mutt perfevere to the endofhis life in this war againft Satan, This Having done all, comes in af- ter our conflict with, death: That Te may be able to withfiandin the evil day; then follows, And having done all. We have not done all till that pitch't battel be fought. The left enemy t death. The word (0.7-EweNv.<, imports as much as to finifh a bufineffe, and bring a matter to a full iffue; fo, Phil. 2. r2. where we tranflate it well Workont your falvation : that is, perfeet it; be not Chriftians by halves, but go through-with it; the through Chriftian is the trueChriffian. Not he that takes the field, but he that keeps the field ; not he that fets out, but he that holds out in this holy war, deferves the name ofa Saint. There is not inch a thing in this fenfe belonging to Chrifiianity as an ho- nourable retreat ; not fuch a word of command in all Chriffs military .Difcipline as fall back and lay down your armes ; No, you tuft fall on, and fraud to your armes, till call'd off by death. r Fill, we are under a Covenant and Oath to do this. Fort merly