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376 Andhavingdone all toPawl. our fingers fo as to remit of our ftrength ; therefore we are bid fo often to hold fait the Profeflion of our faith; but when we fee an enemygaping to catch us when we fall , me thinks this should quicken us themore to it. Thirdly, becaufe the promifeof life and glory is fetled upon theperfevering foule,the crown Rands at the Goal,hebath it that comes to the end of the race. Tohim that overcomes Will Igive, not inpralio,but in hello, not in a particular skirmifh, but in the whole war. rehave needof patience, that after ye havedone the whole Will of God, ye might receive the promife, to . 36. There is a remarkable accent on that henceforth, which Paul men- tions, 2 Tim. 4.7, 8. I have fought agood fight, henceforth id laidupfor me a Croton of righteonfnefe. Why, was it not laidup before ? yes, but having perfevered and come near the Goale, being within fight of home, ready to die, he takes now furer hold of the promife. Indeed in this fenfe it is, that a gracious foul is nearer its falvation after every victory then it was be- Rom. i3 fore, becaufe he approacheth nearer to the end ofhis race, which 1°. is the time promifed for the receiving of the promifed falva- tion. Then and not till then the Garland drops upon his head. Vfe Here we may take up a fad lamentation, in refpeet of the ma- ny Apollate Profeffours ofour dayes. Never was this fpiritual falling fiokneffe more rife. 0 how many are lick of it at pre- fent, and not a few fallen afleep by it ? Thefe times of warre and confufionhave not made fo many broken Merchants as bro.; ken Profeffours; where is the Conaregation that cannot thew Tome who have out-lived their Prd'effion ? not unlike the filk- worm, which (they fay) after all her fpinning, works her Idle out ofher bottome, and becomes at Taft a common fl?e. Are there not many, whole forwardneffe in Religionwe have flood gazing on withiadmiration, as the difciples on the Temple, rea- dy to fay one to another as they to Chrift, See what manner of flones thefe are? what polifhed gifts and shining graces are here ? and now not one ftone left upon another. 0 did you ever think, that they who went in fo goodly array towards heaven in communion with you, would after that face about, and run over to the devils fide, turn Blafphemers, Worldlings and Atheifts, as fore have done? 0 what a fad change is here I It had been better