And having done all to lianal. 377 betterfor them , not to have known the way of rigloteolifneffe, then after they have known it, to turrie from the holy Commandment deli- vered unto them, z Pet. 2. 21. Better never to have wallet a step towards heaven, then to put fuch a fcorn and reproach up- on the wayes of God. Comparationemvidetur egiffe qui ;arum- que cognoverit, judicatopronunciiiffe eum meliorem, ailedfe rut, flea efie maluerit. Tertul. de pcenit. Such a one who bath known both what a fervice Smalls is and what Gods is, then to revolt fromGod to the devil, feems to have compared one with the other, and as the remit ofhis mature thoughts, to pro- nounce the devils which he choofeth better then Gods which he leaveth. And how is it poffible that any can fin upon a higher guilt, and go to hell under a greater loadof wrath? Thefe are they whichGod loaths He that hates putting away difdains much more to be himfelf thus put away. if any man draw back, my foulJimahave nopleafure in him, Heb, to. 3 8, The Apottate is Paid to tread upon the Son of God, Heb. 10. 29. as if he were no better then the dirt under his feet. Well, he (hall have tread- ing for treading, God himfelfwill fet his foot upon him, 'PRI. Ji9.118. Thou haft troden down all that erre from thy flatutes, and who (think you) will be weary fooneft ? he that is under foot beares the weight of the whole man upon him. To be un- der the foot of God, is to lie under the whole weight ofGods wrath. 0 pity and pray for fuch forlorn fouls, they areobjects of the one, and fubjeets of the other; though they are fallen low, yet not into hell ; now and then we fee an Entichtti railed, that bath fallen from Inch a height. And _you that Rand, take heed left you fall. S E CT. IV. Secondly, A foul void of divine\ armour cannot perfevere. Da/. What this divine armour is I have (hewn, and the Apoille here doth in the feveral pieces of it. The fan6tifying graces of Gods Spirit are this Armour. One that bath not theft - ._wrought in him, will never hold out to palre all the flagesof this Chriftian' race, to fight all the battels that are to be fought before victory is to be had. Common gifts of the Spirit, fuch as illumination, C c C coat=