And having clone' all toBand. 38 r then what remaines ofthy feare of God, love to God, See, if nothing, thou art nought; if any, the leffe there be, the weaker Chriftian thou art, and when thou comeft to be tried in Gods fire, thou wilt fuffer loge of all the other, which as hay and Rubble will be burnt up. SECT. V. Every ionic clad with this Armour of God (hall Rand and 'Ma 3. perfevere : Or thus, true grace can never be vanquifh't. The Chriflian is borne a Conquerour, the gates of hell (hall not pre- vail again ft him. He that is borne of Godovercometh the wor ld, John;. 4 Mark, from whence the vielory is dated, even from his birth. There is viftory fowen in his new nature, even that feed of God, which will keep him from being fwal lowedup by fin or Satan. As Chrift rofe never to die more, fo cloth he raife foules from the grave of fin, never to come under the power of fpiritual death more. Thefe holy ones of God cannot fee corm - pion, Hence he that believes is laid in the pfefent tenfe tohave eternal life. As the Law that came foure hundred years after, could not make void the promife made to Abraham, fo nothing that intervenes can hinder the accomplifbing of that promifeof eternal life, which was given, and pa ffed to Chri ft in their be- half before the foundation of the world, If a Saint could any way mifcarry, and fall fhort of this eternal life, it mutt be from one of thefe three caufes , r. Becaufe God may forfake the Chriftian, and withdraw his grace and help from him; Or, 2eSe- caufe the believermay forfake God ; Or laftly,becaufe Satan may pluck himout of the hands of God. A fourth I know noc.Now none of thefe can be. Fiat, God can never forfake the Chriftian. Some unadvifed fpeeches have drop's from tempted foules, difcovering Tome fears of Gods calling them off; but they have been confuted,and have eatenfrtheir words with fhame, as we fee in Job and David. 0 what admirable fecurity hath the great God given his children in this particular Firft, in Frornifes. He boblaid, I Will never leave thee nor for- Reba 1,4; C.c. c 3 fa d