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;S2 Andhaving done all to fiand. fake thee. Fivenegatives in that promife as fo many feals to ra. rifle it to our faithihe affures us therenever did or can fo much as arife a repenting thought in his heart concerning the purpofes of his loveand fpecial grace towards his children, Rom. rim 29, The gifts andcalling ofGodare without repentance, even the be- lievers fin againft him,their froward carriage firsnot up thoughts of calling them off, but of reducing them ; For the iniquity ohhis covetoufnele I Was Wroth andfmote him ' - Ihid me and was wroth, ansi he Went on frowardly in theway ofhis heart ; I have feen his wagesand will heal them, Ifa. 57. 27, 28. The water of the Saints failings, east on the fireof Gods love cannot quench it ; Whom he loves he loves to the end. Secondly, God to give further weight and credit to ourun- believing and mifiiving hearts, (tealshis promife with an oath, See , Ifa., to With everlafling kinelnere will Ihavemercy on thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer ; this is at the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have fworn that the waters of Noah fbould not re® turnover the earth, fo have I (morn that it will not be wroth with thee. Yea, he goes on and tells them, The mountaixes fb211 de.. part, (meaning at the end of the world, when the whole frame of the heavens and earth (hall be cliffohed) bat hit kinchteile fhail not depart, neither his Covenant of peace be removed. Now ilea any, fhould think this was fome charter belonging to the Jewes alone, we finde it, v. 17. ceded on every fervanc ofGod as his portion: Thia is the heritage of the fervants of the Lord, and their righteoufnere is of me, faith the Lord. And finely God that is fo careful tomake his childrens inheritance Pure to them, will con them little thanks, who bulie their wits to invalid and weaken hisconveyances, yea, difprove his will ; if they had taken a bribe, they could not plead Satans caufe better. Thirdly, in the actual thefe promifes, (which hehath made to beleevers) toChrift their Attourney. As God before the world began, gave a promife of eternal life to Chrift for them, fo now hath he given aaual poffeffion of that glorious place to Chrift (as their Advocate and Attourney)where that eternal life that! be enjoyed by them; for as he came upon our errand from heaven, fo thither he returned again to take and hold poffefii- `, on, of that inheritanc e, which God had of old promifed , and e, inone fumme at his death had paid for. And now what ground 111191MINNINNIMPW/111011-41