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And having done all tofund. ground of fea-e can there be in the believers heart, concerning Gods love flanding firme to him ; when he fees the whole Cove- nant performed already toChrift for him, whomGod hash not only called to 1106tified for, and upheld in the great work he was to finifh for us, but alto juftifi.d in his Refurredion and jayledelivery, and received him into heaven, there to fir on the right hand of the Majelty on high, by which he hath not only poffeffion for us, but full power to give it unto all believers? A fecond occafion of feare to the believer that he (hall not per- fevere, may be taken from him felf. He has many fad feares and tremblings of heart, that he fhall at Taft forfake God : The journey is long toheaven, and his grace weak ; 0, faith he, is it not poffible that this little grace should faile, and I fall fhort at laft of glory ? Now here thete is fuch provifion made in the Co- venant,as fcatters this cloud alfo. Firft, the Spirit of God is given on purpofe to prevent this ; Chrift left his mother with John, but his Saints with his Spirit, to tutour andkeep them that they fhould not lofe themfelves in their journey to heaven. 0 how fweet is that place,Emk.36 z7. Iwillput my Spirit in you, and caufe you to ;walk, in my flatutes And ye 'hall keep my judgements and do them, He doth not fay T they (hall have his Spirit, if they will walk in his flatutes no, his Spirit (hall caufc them to do it. Eut may be thou art afraid thou may& grieve him, and fo he in anger leave thee, and thou pe- rifh for want of his help andcounfel. Anfw, The Spirit of God is indeed fenfible of unkindneffe , and upon a Saints fin, may withdraw in regard of prevent affifiance, but never in regard of his care ; as a mother may let her froward childe go alone, till it get a knock, that may make it cry to be taken up again into het armes, but 1E11 her eye is on it that it shall not fall into mifchief. The Spirit withdrew from Soeilora, and he fell into the Phiii. alines hands, and this makes him cry to God, and the Spirit puts forth his ftrength in him again. This here, indeed' the of. flee of the Spirit is to abide for ever with the Saints, lohn 14.16. He than fend you another Comforter, that he may abide for ever with you. Secondly, it is one main bufineffe of Chrifts interceffion , to obtain ofGod perfeverance for our weak graces. I have prayed, (faith Chrift to Peter) that thy faith fade nsc But was not that a parti. 383