384 Andhaving done all toflan& particular priviledge granted to him, which may be denied to another ? 0 Sirs, do we think that Chrills love looks a fquint ? cloth he pray for one childe more then another ? fuch feares and jealoufies foolifh children are ready to take up, and therefore Chrift prevents them, by bidding Peter in the very next words , When thou art converted, flrengthen thy brethren, Luke 22.3 t, that is, when thou feel& the efficacy and force of my pray. er for thy faith, carry this good newes to them, that their hearts may be ftrengthene,d alfo; and what flrengthening had it been to them if Chrifl prayed not for them as well as Petr ? does Chrift pray for us ? yea, Both he not live to pray for us ? 0 how can children of fo many prayers, of fuch pray- ers perifh 1 The Saints prayers have a mighty power. Jacob vvrefiled and had power withGod, this was his fword and bowe (to allude to what he faid of the parcel of ground he took, from the morice) by which he got thevidory and had power with God. This was the Key with which Elijah opened and that heaven. And if the weak prayers of Saints (coming in his Name) have loch credit in heaven, that with them they can go toGods treafure, and carry away as much as their armes of faith can hold; 0 then, what prevalency has Chritts incerceffion, who is a Son, an obedient Son, that is come from finning his great work on earth, and now prayes his Father for nothing, but what he harh bid him ask, yea, for nothing but what he is before- hand with him for,and all this to a Father that loves thole he prays for as well as himfelfe ? Bid Satan avaunt, Say not thy weak t faith (hall perifh, till thou hear& that Chrift bath left praying,or meets with a repulle. Thirdly, let us fee whether Satan be able to pluck theChriflia an away, and ftep betwixt him and home. I have had occafion to (peak of this fubjed in another place, the leffe here (hall ferve. Abundant provifion is made againft his affaults. The Saint is wrap's up in the everlafting armes of Almighty power, and what can a curfed devil do againft God, 'who laid thole chaines on hitn which he cannot (hake off? when he is able to pluck that dart of divine fury out of his own confcitnce which God bath fattened there, then let him think of fuch an enterprife as this. How can he overcome thee that cannot tempt thee but in Gods appointed Cale ? And if God fec Satan his time to at:, fault