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Andhaving done all to fland. 3 8 5 affault the Chriftian whom he loves fo dearly, furely it shall be when he (hall be repulfed with greateft thame. Away then with that dodrine, which faith, one may be a zit,. j I. , Saint to day,and none to morrow ; now a Peter, anon a ?Was; 0what unfavoury ftuffe is this I a principle it is that at once croffeth the main defign ofGod in theGofpel-Covenant,refleds fadly on the honour of Chrift,and wounds the Saints comfort to 1 the heart. Firft, it is derogatory to Gods defign in the Gorpel-Cove- 1 slant, which we finde plainly to be this, that his children might be put intoa Rate Pure and fare from mifcarrying at Taft, which by the firft Covenant manwas not. See, Ram, 4. i6. There- fore it is of faith,that it might be of grace ; to the end the promife might be fore to all the feed. God on purpofe becaufe of the weakneffe of the firft Covenant through the mutable nature of man, makes anew Covenant of a far different conflitution and frame, not ofworks as that was, but of faith, and why ? the A- potile tells ris, that it might be Pure to all the feed, that not one foule, who by faith fhould be adopted into Abrahams fami- ly, and fo become a childe of the promife, fhould faile of inhe- riting theblefling of the promife, which is eternal life ; cal- led fo, Tittle I. 2. and all this becaufe the promife is founded upon grace, that is, Gods immutable good pleafure in Chriff, ' and nor upon'the variable and inconftant obedience of man as the firft Covenant was. But if a Saint may finally fall, then is the prornife no morePure in this Covenant then it was in that, and fo God fhould not have his end he propounds. Secondly, it reflects fadlyon Chrifts honour, both as he is in. 2 visited with the Saints falvation, and alto as he is intereffed in it. Firft, as he is intrufled with the Saints falvation. He tells us they are given him of his Father for this very end, that he fhould give them eternal life, yea, that power which he bath over all flefli; was given him to render him every, way able to effect this one bufineffe, John 17. 2. He accepts the charge, ownes them as his fheep, knowes them every one, and promi. feth, he Will give theroeternallife, they fball never perifh, neither fh411 anyplucktbem out ofhil hared, John 10.27, 28. Now how well do they confult with Chrifts honour, that fay his fheepe , may the in a ditch of final apoftafy notwithftanding all this ? ' D d d Se-