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386 And having done all tofldnd. Secondly, as he is interefied in the falvationof every Saint, The lifeof his own glory is bound up in the eternal life of his Saints. Its true, when Adam, fell God did lave his flake, but how can Chrift who is fo nearly united to every believing foul ? Fhere was a league of friendfhip betwixt God and ildean ; but no fuch union as here where Chrift and Lis taints make but one Chrift, for which his Church is called Chrifl, i COY. .12 12. the body is one, andbath many members, and all the members of that one Jody' being many, are one body, fo is hrifl. Quiff and his members make one Chaff now is it poffible a piece of Chrift can be found at Jail burning in hell ? can Chrift be a cripple Chrift I canons member drop off and that ? ' Fis as poffible that all, as any fhould ; and how can Chrift part with his myflical members and not with his glory ? doth not every member adde an ornament to the body, yea, an honour ? The Church is cal- led the fulnele ofhim, Eph, 1, 23, 0 how difhonourable is it to (brill that we fhould think he (hall want any of his ful. nefle ? and how can the man be full and compleat that wants a member ? 3, Thirdly, it wounds the Saints comfort to the heart, and layes aCor.z,r7 their joy a bleeding. Paul faith, he did not' )(0.711NitielP Xt/OV Gig, He did not dafh the generous wine of Gods Word with the water of mans conceits. No, he gave them pure Golpel. Truly, this principle of Saints falling fromgrace gives a fad dafh to the faTet wine of the Promifes ; the foul-reviving, comfort that fparkles in them, arifeth from the fare convey- ance with which they are in Chrift made over to believers to shave and to hold for ever. Hence called the fare mercies of David, Aas 23.34. mercies that (hal_ never faile : This, this indeed is wine that makes glad the heart of a Saint; though he may be whipt in the houfe when he fins, yet he (hall nor be turn- , ed out ofdoores. As God promited in the type to &yids feed, Pia/. 89. 33. Neverthelefe, my loving kindneffe Will I not ntterly take from him, norfooffir faithfulneffe laile; and v. 36. Ilk/feed (hall endurefor ever. Could any thing feparate thebeliever from the love of God in Chriff, t')is would be as a hole at the bottom(' of his cup to leak out all his joy, he might then feare every temptation or affl awn he meets would flay him and fo the wickeds curie would be the Saints portion. His life .. ...... . ..... .