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Andbaying doneall tofland. 387 life would ever hang in doubt before him, and the fearful ex- pedationof his final mifcarriage which he fees may befall him, would eat up the joy of his prefent hope. Now how contrary fuch a frame of heart is to the fpirit of adoption, and fudi affurance of hope, which the grace of the newCovenant gives, he that runs may reade in the Word. This truth prepares a fovereigncordial to reflore the fainting fpirits ofweak believers, who are furprifed with mauy feares, concerning their perfevering and holding out to the end of their warfare. Be of good cheer,poor foule ; Godbath given Chrift the life of every foule within the Ark of his Covenant, Your e- ternal fafety is provided for;whom he loves he loves ro the end,John. 13.s.Hath he made thee willing in the day ofhis power to march under his banner and efpoufe his quarrel againti fin and hell ? the fame power that overcame thy rebellious heart to himfell, will overcome all thy enemies within and withour for thee ; fay not thou art a bruifed reed; with this he will break Satans head, and not ceafe till he bath brought forth judgement into compleat vidory in thy foule. He that can make a fewwound- ed men rife up and take a ftrong city, can make a wounded fpi- Ter. 37. 1q rit triumph over fin and devils. The Ark flood in the midft of Foyelan,till the whole Camp of /fro/ was fafely got over into Ca- na" 7ofh. 3. And fodoth the Covenant (which the Ark did but typifie;)yea, Chrift, Covenant and all (rand to fecure the Saints a fafe paffage to Heaven. if but one believer drownes , the Covenant mull drown with him. Chrift and the Saint are put together as coheires of the fame inheritance, Rom. 8, 17. 10hildren,thets heires,heirs of God,andjoys; t-heirs With Grill.. We 'Cannot difpute again ft one, but we queftion the firmneffe of the others title. When you heare Chrift is turn'd out of heaven, or himfeif to be willing to fell his inheritance there , then , poore Chriftian, feare thy coming thither and not till then. co- heires cannot fell the inheritance except both give up their right, which Chrift will never donor fuffer thee. Thirdly, this truth calls for aword or two ofcaution, Though Vie . 3 there is no feare ofa Saints falling fromgrace, yet there is great danger of others falling from the top of this comfortabledo. Trine into a careleffe fecurity, and prefumptuous boldneffe; and therefore P. battlement is very neccffaryi that from it we may D d d 2 with,