38 Andhaving done all tofiand. cc ith afety to our fOules, !land and view the pleafant profpeet this truth prefents to our eye. That flower from which the Bee fucks honey, the fpider draws poifon, That which is a reffo- rative to the Saints grace, proves an incentive to the lull of a wicked man. What.Pau/ hid of the Law, we may truly of the Gofpel: Sin takingoccafion from the grace of the Gofpel, and the tweet promifes thereof, deceives the carnal heart, and works in him all manner of wickedneffe. Indeed fin feldome grows fo rank any where, as in thofe who water its roots with thegrace of the Gofpel. Twowayes this dodrine may be a- hula. Firff, into a neglect ofduty. Secondly, into a liberty to fin. Take heed ofboth. s. Firff ,beware of falling into a negleet ofdutyupon this Icore if a Chriftian, thou canft not fall away from grace. Take for an antidote againft this three particulars. Fir% there are otherarguments to invite, yea,_that will con- Drain thee to a conftant vigourous performing ofduty, though the feare of falling away ihould not come in, or elfe thou art not a Chriftian ; what ? nothing make the childe diligent a- bout his fathers bufineffe, but feare of being difinherited and turned out of doors ? There is lure fome better motive to duty ina Saints heart, or elfe Religion is a melancholywork. Speak for your (elves, 0 ye Saints, is felt-prefervation all you pray for, and heare for ? fhould a meffenger come fromHeaven, and tell you Heaven were yours, would this make you give over your fpiritual trade, and not care whether you had any more acquaintance with God till you came thither -? 0 how harfh, doth this found in your cares! There are fuch principles en- graven in the Chritians bofome, that will not Puffer a firange neffe long to grow betwixt God and him. He is under the Law ofa new life, which carries him naturally to defire communi- on with God, as the childe doth to fee the face of his dea4e father, and every duty is a Mount wherein God prefents him- felf to be leen and enjoyed by the Ch Secondly. toneglec t duty upon fuch a periwation, is contra- ry to Chr Its pratiice and counfel. Fir(,hispradice. Though Chrift never doubted of his Fathers love, nor queftioned the happyWine of all his temptations, agonies and fufferings yet. he .... ... .