90' Aradhavingdone 411 to flan& therein. But what a prodigious flature in fin muff that man be gtown to, that can fin under the proteaion of the promife, and draw his encouragement to fin from the everlaffing love of God ? Let us cat anddrink, for weare fure to live and be faved. Grace cannot dwell in that heart, which drawes fuch a curled conclu lion from the premiffes of Gods grace. The Saints have not fo learnic Chrift. The inference the Apofile makes from the fweet priviledges we enjoy in the Covenant ofgrace, is not to wallow in fin;but having thefe promtfes, to cleanfe our (elves from all fil- thineffe offlefh and fpirit, 2 COY. 7.I. 'Tis the nature offaith, (the grace that trades with Promifes) to purifie the heart. Now the more certain report faith brings of Gods love from the promife to the foule, the mote it purifies the heart, bccaufe lave by which faith works, is thereby more inflamed to God ; and if once this affedion takes fire, the room becomes too hot for fin to flay there. SECT. VIe The fourth note and laft is, That it will abundantly recom pence all the hardfhip and trouble the Chriflian endures in this war againft fin and Satan, that he fhall be able when the war is ended to Eland. In manswars all do not get by them that fight' in them ; the Baines of thefe are commonly paint° a few pock-, ets. The common fouldiers endure molt of the hardfilip, but go away with little of the profit ; they fight to make a few that are great yet greater, and are many times themflves turn'd off at Jail, with what will hardly pay for the cure of their wounds, or keep them from flarving in a poor Hofpital. But in this war there is none lofeth, but he that runs away. A glorious reward there is for every faithful fouldier in Chriffs Camp, and that is wrapt up in this phrafe, Having done all to Rand. Now in this place, to land imports three things, which laid together will clear the point. Fitft, to !land, in this place, is to. fland Conquerours. Lea.2.6. Army when conquered , is laid to fall, before their enemy, and apai.2,5 the Conquerour to [land. Every Chriflian (hall at the entrof the war, Rand a conquerour overhis vanquitht luits, and Satan that