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And having done all to that headed them. Many a fweetvietory theChrillia.n hath here over Satan ;But(alas!)the joy of thefe Conquefts is.again inter.. rupred with frefft alarms from his rallied enemy. One day he ha,la he better, and may be the next facia put to tbetiazard of another battel, much ado he hath to keep what he bath got : yea, his very vielories are (itch as fend him bleeding out of the field : Though he repuifes the temptation at lall, yet the wounds his conle ante gets in the fight, do overcall the gloryof the viaory. fis feldorne the Chriflian comes off without forne fad com- plaint of the treachery of his ownheart, which had like tohave loll the day, and betrayed him into his enemies hand But for thy eternal comfort, f;now (poor Chriflian) there is a bleffed day coming, which (hall make a fulland final decifion of the quar- rel betwixt thee and Satan : Thou (halt fee this enemies Camp quite broke up, not a weapon left in his hand to lift up againit thee. Thou (halt tread upon his high places, from which he bath made fo many (hots at thee. Thou (halt fee them all dif- mantled and demoliffied, till there be not left {landing any one corruption in thy bofome, for a devil to hide and harbour him- felf in. Satan, at whore approach thou hail fo trembled, (ball then be fubdued under thy feet : he that hath fo oft bid thee bow down, that he might go over thy foule and trample; upon all thy glory, (hail now have his neck laid to be trodden on by thee. Were there nothing elle to be expetied as the fruits ofour watch ing and praying,weeping &mourning,fevere duties of mortifica- tion and felf-denial,with whatever elle our Chrillian warfare puts us upon but this;our labour fume would not be in vain in the Lord. Yea, bleffed watching and praying, happy tears and wounds we meet with in this war ; may they but at fall end in a full and eter- nal victory over fin and Satan. Bondage is one of the worft of evils. The haler an en lily is, the more abhorred by noble fpirits. Saul feared to fall into the hands of the uncircumcifed flints, and to be abufed by their (comes and reproaches more then a bloody death. Who bafer then Satan ? what viler tyrant then fin?Glorious then will the day be, wherein we (ball praife God for ch livering us out of thehands of all our fins, and from the hand of Satan. But difmal to you ((inners) who at the fame time wherein you (hall fee the Saints 'land with crowns of vi- etory on their heads, moll like fettered captives be draged to hells 39