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392 Andhaving doneall tofiand. hells dungeon,there to haveyour etre boredunto aneternalbond- age under your lulls. And what more miferable fentencecan God himfelf paffe upon you ? Here fin is pleafure, there it will be your torment. Here a fweet bit and goes down glib, but there it will flick in your throats. Hereyou have fuitable provifion to entertain your4ufts withal : Palaces for pride to dwell and ftrut her felf in: Delicious fare for your wanton palates: houfes, and lands,with coffers of uilver and gold for your covetous hearts, by their felt pleating thoughts to fit brooding upon : but you will finde none of thefe there ; hell is a barren ;lace, nothing grows in that landofdarkneffe to folace and recreate the (inners minds. You fhalhave your lufls,but want the food:they long for.0what a torment muff that needs be, to have a foul (harp fa, even to a ra- venous hunger after fin ; but chain'dup where it can come at no- thing it would have to fatisfie its lull : for a proud wretch, that could with he might dominere over all the world, yea, over God bimfelf if he would let him, to be kept down in fuch a dungeon, as bell is, 0 how it will cut l for the malicious firmer, whole heart (wells with rancour againft God and his Saints, that he could pluck them out ofGods bofome, yea,God out ofhis throne ifhe had power, to finde his hands fo manacled, that he can do, nothing againft them he fo hates : 0 how this will torment Speak, 0 you Saints, whole partial vidory over fin at prefent is fo fweet to you, that you would choofe a thoufand deaths, fooner then return to your old bondage under your lutis t how glorious then is that day in your eye, when this flu!! be compleated in a full and eternal Conqueft, never to have any thing to do more with lin or Satan. Secondly, to fland, is here to fland jutiificd and acquitted at thegreat day of judgcment. The ph rale is frequent in Scripture, which Pets out the folemn diicharge they (hall have then, by fiand. ing in judgement, Pfal. t. 5. The Tricked 'hail not land in the judgement ; that is, they (hall not be juilified, Pfal. ch 3. If thou, Lord, fhouldeg markiniquity , 0Lord, Who AalI!land ? that is, who (hall be difcharged ? The great God, upon wholeerrand we Tome into the world, hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world by Jefus Chrift ; a Colemn day it will be, when all that ever lived on earth, high and low, good and bad,fhall meet in one Affembly to make their perfonal appearance before CliriN and from