Andhaving doneall tofland. from his mouth to receive thtir eternal doom, who (hall in his Majeftick robes ofglory afcend the awful feat ofJudicature, ate h. tended with his illuffrious traine and guard of Angels about him, as fo many officers.ready to execute and perform his plea., fure according to the definitive fentence that he pronounce; either to condua thole bleffed ones whom he fhall'jullifie into his glorious Kingdome, or binde them hand and foot to be call into hells unquenchable flames whom he (hall condemn. I do not wonder that Paols Sermon on this fubjeft, did make an earth-quake in Felix his confcience but rather that any fhould be fo fargone in a lethargy, and dedolent numbneffe ofconfci- ence, as the thought of this day cannot recover them to their fenfe and feeling. 0 Sirs, do you not vote them happy men and women that fhall fpeed well on this day? are not your thoughts enquiring who thole bleffed foules are, which (hall be acquit- ted by the lively voice of Chrifi the Judge ? You need not af- cend to fearch the rolls of eleection in heaven, here you may know they are fuchas fight the Lords barrels on earth againfl Satan, in the Lords Armour, and that to the end of their lives. Thefe having done all (hall fland in judgement. And were it but at a mans bar, fome CourtMartial, where a fouldier flood upon trial for his life, either to be condemned as a Traitour to his Prince, or cleat'd as faithful in his muff.. 0 how fucha one would liften to heave how it would go with him, and be over- joyed when the Judge pronounces him innocent! Well may fuch be bid to fall down on their knees,thankGod and the Judge that have faved their lives ; howmuch more ravifhing will the fweet voice of Chrift be in the Saints eares, when he (hall in the face ofmen and Angels make publike declaration of their righ- teoufneffe? 0 how confounded will Satan then be, who was their accufer to God and their own confciences alfo,ever threat- ening them with the terrour of that day ! How blank will the wicked world be, to fee the dirt that they had throwers by their calumnies and lying reports on the Saints faces, wiped off with Chris s own hand; they fromChrifis mouth tobe juffified as fin. cere, whom they had can't! hypocrites ! will not this, 0 ye Saints, be enough for all the fcorne you were laden with from the world, and conflia you endured with the Prince of the World ? But this is not all. Therefore E ce Thirdly 393