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394 Andhaving done all tofland. Thirdly, to fland, doth here alfo (as the complement of their reward) denote the Saints (landing in heavens glory. Princes when they would reward any of their fubje&s, that in their wars have done eminent fervice to the crown, (as the utmoft they can do for them) do prefer them to Court, there to enjoy their Princely favour, and fland in fome place of honourable fervice before them continually. Solomon fets it (het as the greateft re- ward of faithful fubjeas to 'land before Kings. Heavengs the royal city where the great God keeps his Court. The happinefs ofglorious Angels is to ftand there before God. I am Gabriel that'land in theprefence of God, Luke 1.19. That is, Iam one of thofe heavenly fpirts who wait on the great God, and nand before his face, as Courtiers do about their Prince. Now fuch honour fhall every faithful foul have. Thou faith the Lord of holies, If thou wilt walkin my *ayes, and if thou wilt keep my charge, I will give thee places to walk,, among thefe that fland Zech. 3.7. He alludes to the Temple, which had rooms joyn- ing to it for the Neils that waited on the Lord in his holy fer- vice there. Or to Courtiers, that have ftately galleries and lcdg. ings becoming their place at Court allowed them in the Kings Palace they wait upon. Thus all'the Saints, (whole reprefenta. tive Jofhua was) fhall after they have kept the 'Lords charge in a fhort fifes fervice on earth, be called up to ftand before God its heaven, where with Angels they fhall have their galleries,"and manfions ofglory alfo. 0 happy they who (hail ftand before the Lord in glory! The greateft Peeres of a Realme (fuch as Earles, Marqueffes and Dukes are) count it greater honour to ftand before their King, though bare-heackd and oft upon the knee, then to live in the countrey, where ali bow and fland bare to them ; yea, let but their Prince forbid them corning to Court, and 'cis not their great eUates or relpeft they have where they live will content them. 'Tis better to wait in heaven then to reign on earth. 'Tis fweec ftandingbefore the Lord here in an Ordinance, one day in the worfhip of God is better then many elfewhere; 0 what then is it to ftand before God in glory If ant.i,i the Saints fp k-nard fendeth forth fo fweet a fmell, while the C King fits at his table here in a Sermon or Sacrament : 0 then what joy mull needs flow from their near attendance on him, as he fits at his table in heaven; which when God firft made, it was in-