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And having done all to fiand. 395 intended by him to be that Chamber of prefence, in which he would prefent himfelf to be Peen of, and enjoyed by his Saints in all his glory. I know nothing would have a more powerful, yea, univerfal operation upon a Saints fpirit, then the frequent and fpiritual eonfideration of that bliffeful fate in heaven,which that' at laft crown all their fadconflids here on earth. None like this fword to cut the very finews of temptation, and behead thofe lulls, which defie and out-brave whole troops of other Ar- guments. It is almoft impoffible to fin with lively thought, and hopes of that glory. its when the thoughts of heaven are long out of the Chriftians fight, and he knows not what is be- come of his hopes to that glorious place, that hebegins to let up fome idol, (as /rev/ the Calfe in Molck his abfence) which he may dance before. But let heaven come in fight, and the Chri- ftiansheart will be well-worm'd with the thoughts ofit, and you may as foon perfwade a King to throw.his royal Diademe into a fink, and wallow with his robes in a kennel, as a Saint to fin with the expdationof heavens glory. Sin is a devils work, not a Saints, who is a Peer of heaven, and waits every houre for the Writ, that (hall call him to (land with Angels and glorified Saints before the throne of God. This would cheer the Chrifti- ans heart, and confirme him when the fight is hotteft, and the bullets file thickeft from men and devils, to think, 'tis hcaven all this is for,where it's worth having a place,though we go through fire and water to it. 'ris Before the Lard, (laid David to fcof- fing Michal) that choie me, before thy father and all his houre, therefore 1 Will play before the Lord, and 1 will yet be more vile then dna, a Sam. 6.2r. Thus,Chriftian, wouldefl thou throw off the vipers of reproaches, which from the fire of the wickeds ma- lice file upon thee ; 'Tis for God that I pray, hear, mortifie my hilt, deny my fell ofrny carnal fports, profits and pleafures, that God who bath paffed by Kings and Princes, to choofe me a poor wretch toRand before him in glory; therefore I will be yet more vile then thus. 0 Sirs, were there not another world to enjoy God in, yet fhould we not while we have our being ferve our Maker ? The heavens and the earth obey his Law, that are ca. pable of no reward for doing his Will. ,9zench hell, burn hea- ven, (laid a holy man) yet 1 willlove andfeare my God; Howmuch more when everlafting arrnes of mercy Rand ready ftretch't to F, e e a carry 1