The Table. cna Chri, honour wounds the Saintt comfort. 38'5,&C. Faith. Satan in tempting Pikes at the faith. 149 How he if difappointed. ib. Feare. Feare makes uncapable ofcounfel. 3 Ofdifirtefiful feares, how we (hall bear affiiaion. 131 Satans policie in them. 132 Three confederations to quiet the heart tempted with them. ib. Thefin of fearing man, becaufe flefh. 177 Bo*we may come not to feare fief& 178 foveraign cordial to weakBe- fievers, againfl feare of not holding out to the end, 387 Flefh. Why in it called flefh. 172 Wecoullit7 not with flefh fingly but back't by Satan. ib. Weft policy to difarme our flefh, before Satan comes. 173 Man i s flefh. 174 tvemufl not be proud of flefh. 175 Nor troll in man becaufe ,flefh. 176 Nor feare flefh. 117 G. Grace. Gifts are ornament',but grace/4 armour. 60 Grace, how it depends on God,and why. 17,18 Grace left weak:that ftepporting power may be great. Better no grace then counterfe4it, 7 in two refpeas. 68 The concateuationofgracesdthere the whole chaine, in 2Pet.. 1, 6, .7. it drawn out. 74,75 Grace to be exercifed. 82,83 Grace in the Saints lives not endured by thole that like: a Profelon, 88 When 4fool U proud ofhis grace. 2'35 'T ieno e.tcule that its grace we areproud of. 286 Gracenot to be relied on for our acceptance withGod, 289 Refling on grace hinders its thri- ving. 2c6 And hinders the fouler comfort. 297 Grace fubjell to decline.See De- cline. Without true grace, no perfeve- ranee. 377 Where true grace it, that lode perfevere. 38t Gifts. The varier y ofthegifts ofthe Spi- rit. 275 eA double evil of pride in gifts. ib. Great gifts without grace yield no folid comfort. 277 Saints not to he troubled at the ? meannefe of their gifts. 277 Realms againfl pride ofgifts.278 Wherein it difcovers it felf. 280 Glory. See Heaven. F f f Gott