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The Table, Gofpel. The reafon of Satan, ,rp ;ght sainfi the Gofpel. 58 Government. See Rule. Heare. People Jhould not be wary of hearing the fame truthes often, 3 33 Heart. The more of the heart in a fin, the greater thefin. 262 Nofins more made of then heart fimr. 263 The root of final /44407e, want of A through change of the heart. So oliaions difcover the naughti.. neP of the heart. 354 Heaven. Heavenly. The Saints wreliling life Jhould make him long for Heaven. 170 No eage matter to get Heaven, andwhy. 203,371 Savant d*ne to plunder the Ofrilhan ofwhat if heavenly heavenly. 07 How the CloVian n 308 A checkto men for refuting Ilea - yen. / z They are the devils agents that hinder from7? kat is heavenly. 313. Trials whether weare heavenly. 315 To be with god in heaven the blghell preferr#ent, 394 Thought3 ofHeaven, how profit,: able. 3 95 Heretic. Herdic Why rank t among the deeds of thefle.15. 271 Hol Holineffe in 4 Saint, awful to the wicked. 91 Hope!. Falfe hopes very dangeroste.365 Humble. Humility. Saint, dependance on God, ea groundof humility. 22 To be humble,Wken moil affliti- ed,necefary. 49 Two particulars difcover whe- ther we hi°or not. ib. Satan, arguments toprove a foul not humbled. Thefallacy of them. 124 I. Ignorance. Ignoranceenflaves afoul to 84*. tan, 227 It lets/in in by troop'. 228 Lock, them up in the heart. ib. Shuts out the means of recovery. 229 The miferyof an ignorant flare. 238 Inftrument why Satan choofeth to tempt by inftruments. 103 Foure forts of inftruments he 14- feth to(educe others. 104,1105' Day of judgement. i The day of judgement, a day of juaification to the godly. 392 juflification.