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The Table. ignorance in the doeirine of ju- ftification, the cassfe of long troubles of confcience. 129 K. Knowledge. Ha* the knowledge of a natural man differs from a Saints. 5 6 What is required to get divine knowledge. 242,243 Three things to be obferved in our lewd; after knowledge. 24,5 L. Lazy. againfi lazy Preachers. 333 Light. Sinners hate the light. 214 Love. Saints the objell of Gods love in a threefoldreell. 3 0,3 I The bell way to quench our love to the creature, is to jet it on Chri I. 79 Satan ambitiott4 to tempt after manifePtions of Gods love, andwhy. 96 Why Godcommunicates his love 1 acceptedby god as full obedi- to Saints after their falls. 549 cnce. 373 Saints love to(bri advanced by age; their temptations. 550 How this comes to pare. 51 Gods love to thefoul, fometimes anoccalion ofpride. 302 SaintsAmidwatch againfl this. Why Teeing his better part is -a fpirit, is he called fleA 175 Man not to be trulied in. 176 Memory. How to remember What roe hear. 248 Minifters. Minifters duty to'.vardi the igno- rant. 23 5 Four wages they may be guilty of theirpeoples ignorance, 2.3.6 Miniftery, Miniftery ofthe Word,the means t o get knowledge. 2 46 Motions. Satan annoys Saints with finful mocions. 26a Saintsihouldrefift thfee motions for three reafons. 26Z Helps againfl them. 264 0. Obedience. Obediencefirong or weak,as our faith is on the ?Ater of God. 34 Weak endeavours with fincerity, 303 How to prevent it. lb. M. Man Man is Hefts, The mifery of old-age, yoked With ignorance. 245 P. Parents. ' Parents duty to infirua their children, andwhy. 229, 2 30 174 Parts. whatfade/ men of the greauft parts are without grace. 55 Pelletion. Eff2 Pet*: