The Table 2-hefiats of fina Hate ofmifery. 217 The devils defign in tempting so ,fin, an argument to bate it. 258 Sin hardens the heart. 305 Sins againil rebukes :of confci ence verygrievous. 365° We mull not take liberty tofin,be- caule (if true Chriflians) We ,/ball notfall away. 389 Sinner. The dinner and Satan friends when theyTeem tofight. 57 Every finnerunder Satan, rule. 213 The finneran unferviceabk cress. tare. 215 Singularity. How it is necefary theSaints. 7 Sloth. The di culty of rc,overing a Joule out of1pir'*Ha' (loth. 83 Solicitc ur. C krill inheaven the Saints Soli- citour, and his faithfillnefe therein. 2,33 Spiritual. a Of fpiritual fins, and how Satan annoyes the Saints with them. 259 Bow to know our fpiritual )(late. 251 Stability. 'lie liability of the Saints, not from thew grace , but from God enforcing theirgrace. 2o Strength. A Chrillians ftrength in God, Not in hirnfelf: I; Godtakes it kindly we will ',Oak, ufeof hisfirength. 42 Lefe affifting firength given to advance accepting grace. 46 Theftteetnefeof being at Gods finning for affifling and com- forting flrength. 19 AChrillian whenfeiled,fironger thenAnother, when a teeming Conqmerour over the fame temptation in tito relpetis. 71,72 Subtilty. Satans fubtilty in drawing tofin; 98 Suffering. No 'valets to be, proudof our fuf. feringfor God. 3co T. Tempi. Temptation. Sean choofeth the bell feacon to tempt. 93 Horn the prefince of the objet gives force to the temptation. ° 96 SAIAMIfubtilty in temptirfg. 98 Hi/ approaches in tempting are gradual: 100 The fame fan S,,,tan tempts to, riirged by the temptation. 43 Satan in tempting one Saint, bath a deggne againft others. 144 HowGoci difappoints him. 44,14.5 Why God Infers his Saints to be tempted. 152 Temptation lb onefin,Goi orders to