Pict on the whole Armour ofGod. tell me, I beheld Satan falling when I fent you : I knew the Gofpel would make work where it came ; and therefore no wonder Satan labours to difpoffelfe the ciorpel, which difpof- feffeth him; he knows that army is near loft, whole magazine is blowenup ; 'Tis true indeed, under the very Gofpel the devil rageth more in filch fwinifh (inners, as are given over of God to be poffeft of that fiend, for rejeeting of his grace ; but he is caft out of others, who before the loving kindneffe of God to man ap- peared in the Gofpel, were commanded by him, ferving divers lulls and pleafttres ; But now by the light of the Gofpel they fee their folly, and by the grace it brings are enabled to renounce him, This, this is that which torments the foule fpirit, to-fee himfelfforfaken of his old friends and fervants, and this new Lord tocome and take his fubjeds from him : and therefore he labours either by perfecution to drive the Gofpel away, or by policy to perfwade apeople to fend it away from their coafts, and was he ever more likely to effed it among us ? What a low efteembath he brought the preaching of the Gofpel onto ? the price is fallen half in half to what it was Ionic yeares paft, even among thofe that have been counted the greateft Merchants up-. on the Saints Exchange. Some, that have thought it worth croft Ping the feas, even to the bales (almoft as far as others fete their gold) to enjoy the Gofpel, are loath now to crone th street to hear it at fo cheap a rate ; And fome that come,(whd formerly trembled at it) make it molt of their errand to mock at, or quarrel with it. Nay, it is come to filch a pate, that the Word is fo heavy a charge to the fqueamifh flomacks of many Profeffors, that it comes up again prefently, and ,abundance of choler with it againft the Preacher, efpecially if it fall foule of the fins anderrours of the times, the very naming ofwhich is e- nough to offend, though the Nation be finking under their weight. What reproaches are the faithful Minifters of the Go- fpel laden withal ? I call heaven and earth to witneffe., whether ever they fuffered a hotter perfecution of the tongue, then in this apoitatizing age. Anewgeneration of Profeffours are ftart- ed up, that will not know them to be the Miniflers of Chrift, though thofe before them, (as well in grace as time, moreable to derive their fpiritual pedigree, then themfelves) have to their deathowned them for their fpiritual fathers, And muft not the z Ark I 59