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Put on the whole Armour of God. 69 'profane perfon ; the one hath.but.his -lufts, his whores, his fwill and draffe ; butahe other bath his duties, his feerning,graces. 0 haw hard is it. to perfwade fuch a one to light, and hold Chrifts fhrrup, while he and hia.cluties are made Chrifts., foot. ftool. Secondly, fuch a-one is cleepeft in condemnation. None fink fa far into hell as thole that come neareft heaven, becaufe they fall from the greateft height.. As it aggravates the torments of damned fouls in -this -refpeci' above devils, they had a cord of mercy thrown out-to them, which devils had not: fo by how 'much God by his Spirit waits on, pleads with, and by both gains on a foul-more then others by fo much fuch a one; if he pe- rifh) will finde hell the hotter : tilde adde to his fin,- and. the re- memberance of his fin in hell, thus accented will ,adde- to his torment. None will have fuch a fad parting from Chrifla as thofe who went half-way with him, and then left him.. Therefore (1 befeech you)look to your armour ..Tavid would not fight in armour, he had not tried, though it was a Kings ; ' perhaps, fame thought him too nice: What? is not the -Kings armour good enough for David? Thus many will fay, Art thou fo, curious and precife? fuch a great man doth thus and thus, and hopes to come to heaven at laft, and dareft not thou venture thy foule in his armour ? No, Chriaian follow not the example ,, of, thegreat&orrearth ; 'tis thyown foul thouventureft in bate tel, therefore thou- canft. not be too choice of thy armour. Bring thy heart to the Word, as the only touch-11one of thy grace and furnitureitheWord(); told you)is the ToWer of 'David, from whence thy armour mutt be fetch't, if thou canft finde this Tower-flan-1p on it,then'tis of God, ,elie not.. Try -it therefore by-this one Scripture-ftamp. Thofe weapons ate mighty, which God gives his Saints to fight his battels withal, 2 Car. To. 4. The Weapons of our warfare, are not carnal,but mighty through God. The fword of the Spirit hath 'its point and edge, whereby it makes its way into the heart and confcience, through .the impe- mtency of the one, and ftupiclity of the other, {wherewith Sa- tan, as with buff:. ,and coat of male, armes the firmer againtt, God) and there cuts and ['ales, kills and mortifies,luft in its ownCaftle,,where Satan thinks himfeif impregnable., The Brea& plate which is ofGod,. cloth not bend and break at every, pat of K temptae 2