Put on the wholeArmour ofGod. 73 powers of the one, and tulles of the other, not any part left naked. A dart may the in at a little hole, (like that which brought a melfage of death to Ahab, through the joynts of his harnefle) and Saran is fuch an Archer, who can (hoot at a pen- ny breadth. If all the man be armed, and only theeye left with- out, Satan can loon (hoot his fire-balls of luft in at that loop- hole, which (hall fet the whole hou le on flame. Eve look't but on the tree, and a poifonous dart Bruck her to the heart . If the eye be (hut. and the ear be open to corrupt communicati- on, Satan will loon wriggle inat this hole;If afl theoutward fen- fes be guarded and the heart not kept with all diligence, he will foon by his own thoughts be betrayed into Satans hands. Our enemies are on every fide, and fo muff our armour be, on the right hand andon the left, z Cor. 6. 7. The Apoille calls fin cietaFicui Lreeicurov, an enemy that furrounds us. If there be lieb."' any part of the line unguarded or weakly provided, there Sa- tan falls on; we fee the enemy often enter the city at one fide, while he is beat back on the other, for want of care to keep the whole line. Satan divides his temptations into feveral fqua- drons, onehe employes toaffault here, another to ftorme there. We reade of fleshly tvickedneffe and fpiritual wickedneffe; while thourepelleft Satan tempting thee to flefhly wickedneffe, he may be entring thycity at theother gate offpiritual wicked- neffe. Perhaps thou haft kept thy integrity in the pradical part of thy life; but what armour haft thou to defend thy head, thy judgement ? If he furprife thee liere, corrupting that with forne errour, then thou wilt not long hold out in thy praEtice. He that could not get thee to profane the Sabbath among Senfualifts and Atheifts, will under the difguife of fuch a corrupt principle as Chriftian liberty prevail. Thus we fee what need we have of univerfal armour, in regard of every part. SECT. I r. Secondly, the Chriftian mull be in compleat armour, inregard of the feveral pieces and weapons, that make up the whole Ar- mour of cod. Indeed there is aconcatenation ofgraces, they hang